Subject: FBI Exhibit Contradicts WashPost's Front Page Story
Date Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 3:02 PM
From: Enver Masud
To: Ombudsman
Patrick B. Pexton
The Washington Post
Mr. Pexton
Re On Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked'
By Marc Fisher and Don Phillips
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, September 12, 2001; Page A01
FBI exhibit (P200054) from the trial of Zacarias
Moussaoui contradicts the Solicitor General's
account reported in the Washington Post.
The Washington Post article states, "Barbara K.
Olson, the former federal prosecutor who became a
prominent TV commentator during the impeachment of
President Bill Clinton, called her husband twice in
the final minutes."
However, the FBI exhibit shows that Barbara Olson
made only one phone call -- it did not connect, and
it lasted for 0 seconds.
As the newspaper of record, doesn't the Washington
Post have a duty to correct the record?
The exhibit referred to is available through our
I would be pleased to provide more information.
Enver Masud
xxxxx Hayes St
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone 202-xxx-xxxx
Founder and CEO
The Wisdom Fund,
-- a registered
nonprofit corporation
est. 1995