Enver Masud, "A Clash Between Justice
and Greed, Not Islam and the West," The Wisdom Fund, September 2,
"The Neocons, Israel, and the Iraq War,"
The Wisdom Fund, July 17, 2003
George Friedman, "America's Secret
War," Strategic Forecasting, Inc, October 11, 2005
Enver Masud, "Assured by the U.S.,
Saddam Invaded Kuwait," The Wisdom Fund, April 17, 2006
Joe Conason, "Regime Change: 'Seven
Countries in Five Years'," Salon.com, October 12, 2007
Linda J. Bilmes and Joseph E. Stiglitz, "The
Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict,"
W. W. Norton & Company (February 17, 2008)
Patrick Cockburn, "Revealed:
Secret Plan to Keep Iraq Under U.S. Control," Independent, June 5,
Simon Tisdall, "Draft Agreement
Promises Troop Withdrawal By 2011," Guardian, October 16, 2008
"Second Fake End to Iraq War: The US Is
Rebranding The Occupation," The Wisdom Fund, July 22, 2010
"The Iraq
War Review," Harper's Magazine, January 23, 2011 -- a distillation
of Weekly Review events related to the Iraq War
[. . . the U.S. occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq were the biggest break
Al-Qaeda had ever gotten. Muslim religious scholars had issued decrees for
the defence of Muslim lands against the non-Muslim occupiers on many
occasions before the U.S.-NATO war in Afghanistan--Gareth Porter, "Occupation and
Blowback: How the US Wars Have Served Al-Qaeda," counterpunch.org,
June 8, 2011]
Enver Masud, "US Congressman Asks Iraqis to Pay
for Iraq War," The Wisdom Fund, June 15, 2011
Tim Arango, "In
Shadow of Death, Iraq and U.S. Tiptoe Around a Deadline,"
nytimes.com, July 14, 2011
["He has to placate two different constituencies," the official told IPS.
That means taking a hard line on the US troop presence in Arabic language
public statements meant for his Shi'ite constituency, but taking an
accommodating line in private contacts with Maliki.--Gareth Porter, "Muqtada
toys with US's Iraq intentions," atimes.com, July 16, 2011]
Spencer Ackerman, "U.S.
Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq," wired.com, July 22,
[The State Department is expected to have up to 17,000 employees and
contractors for this ongoing diplomatic presence, which has been described
as necessary to provide "situational awareness around the country, manage
political crises in potential hotspots such as Kirkuk, and provide a
platform for delivering economic, development and security assistance."
Cutting through the bureaucratese, this means essentially to maintain Iraq's
client-state status.--John Glaser, "Iraq Drawdown Signals New Client State
Status, Ongoing Occupation," antiwar.com, September 7, 2011]
[The number of personnel under the authority of the U.S. ambassador to Iraq
will swell from 8,000 to about 16,000 as the troop presence is drawn
down--Dan Froomkin, "Massive U.S. Embassy In Iraq Will Expand
Further As Soldiers Leave," huffingtonpost.com, September 17, 2011]
[$1 trillion spent. Burning hatred for America across the Muslim world.
Animosity in Europe, which warned against Bush's modern crusade. Huge future
expenses to sustain an obedient Iraqi regime while anti-U.S. nationalist
sentiment there is boiling. A big boost for Iran's regional influence. The
deaths and wounding of thousands of American servicemen.
The original plan to dominate Iraq's oil and set up bases there to rule the
Mideast has so far failed, and at titanic cost. As we look back on this epic
folly and again hear calls for war against Iran, we remember the famed words
of King Pyrrhus of Epirus, "one more such victory and we are lost."--Eric S.
Margolis, "Who
Won the Iraq War?," theamericanconservative.com, November 21, 2011]
Costs of War: Tens of Thousands Dead, Billions Spent, and a Country Torn
Apart," democracynow.org, December 16, 2011
Chris Floyd, "War Without End, Amen: The Reality of America's Aggression Against
Iraq," chris-floyd.com, December 17, 2011
Jim Lobe, "Intervention
ends with scarcely a whimper," atimes.com, December 17, 2011
Gareth Porter, "How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted
the US on Troop Withdrawal," antiwar.com, December 17, 2011
[The Barack Obama administration and the United Nations are struggling to
convince the leadership of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian
opposition group with cult-like characteristics, to vacate a camp in Iraq
and allow residents to move to another location in the country or risk the
lives of as many as 3,200 people.--Barbara Slavin, "Tragedy
feared over camp closure," atimes.com, December 21, 2011]
[The centralizing of power in Iraq faces such great obstacles because all
parties have foreign allies and, under pressure, will call on them. The
Sunnis in Iraq will look to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the US if they
are marginalized and turned into second-class citizens. Though not quite
there yet, some Sunni politicians in Baghdad have been leaving with their
families, on the grounds that it is too dangerous to stay.--Patrick
Cockburn, "Mass Poverty and Sectarian Strife: Are We
Witnessing the Final Disintegration of Iraq?," counterpunch.org,
January 2, 2012]
[I.B.C. has also said that supplementing its own original figure of 114,000
civilians by turning to the Wikileaks cables could add 15,000 more deaths.
Another organization, Just Foreign Policy, has estimated that counting
unreported deaths could bring the number of war fatalities to almost 1.5
million.--Margaret Griffis, "IBO: 162,000 Reported Deaths in Iraq War," antiwar.com,
January 2, 2012]
Eric Schmitt and Michael S. Schmitt, "U.S. Drones Patrolling Its Skies
Provoke Outrage in Iraq," nytimes.com, January 29, 2012
[U.S. officials said that the CIA's stations in Kabul and Baghdad will
probably remain the agency's largest overseas outposts for years--Greg
Miller, "CIA digs in as Americans withdraw from Iraq, Afghanistan,"
washingtonpost.com, February 7, 2012]
Luke McKenna and Robert Johnson, "A
Look At The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Armies," Business
Insider, February 26, 2012
[The war in Iraq will cost the United States as much as $5 trillion. It
played a role in spurring the global financial crisis. Four thousand four
hundred eighty-eight Americans were killed. More than 33,000 were injured.
As many as 1 million innocent Iraqi civilians were killed. The monetary cost
of the war to Iraq is incalculable.--Dennis Kucinich, "Iraq: Ten Years, a
Million Lives, and Trillions of Dollars Later," antiwar.com, October
4, 2012]
Spencer Ackerman, "The Cost of
War Includes at Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations,"
wired.com, February 8, 2013
[In fact, both the White House and the CIA had a hand in the distortion of
intelligence and both contributed to making the phony case for war to the
Congress and the American people.--Melvin A. Goodman, "How
the Iraq War Was Sold," Consortium News, February 9, 2013]
[According to Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, he reported, there
is an estimated 4.5 million children who are now orphans, with a "shocking
70%" of them having lost their parents since the 2003 invasion.--Ramzy
Baroud, "Iraq
back at the brink," atimes.com, February 14, 2013]
Patrick Cockburn, "Betrayal in Baghdad: How the World Forgot About Iraq,"
counterpunch.org, March 4, 2013
Ernesto Londono, "A decade after Iraq invasion,
America's voice in Baghdad has gone from a boom to a whimper," washingtonpost.com, March 23, 2013