Now that the Cold War is becoming a memory, America's foreign policy establishment has
begun searching for new enemies. . . . Topping the list of potential new global
bogeymen, however, are the Yellow Peril, the alleged threat to American economic
security emanating from East Asia, and the so-called Green Peril (green is the color of
Islam).--Leon T. Hadar, "The
'Green Peril': Creating the Islamic Fundamentalist Threat,", August 27, 1992
Enver Masud, "Millions Spent Subverting 'Enemies,'
Stifling Dissent," The Wisdom Fund, February 15, 2001
Enver Masud, "A Clash Between Justice and
Greed," The Wisdom Fund, September 2, 2002
VIDEO (at 27:10 min)--"The Power Of Nightmares 03: The Shadows In The Cave,", 2004
Suzanne Goldenberg, "More Than
80,000 Held by US Since 9/11 Attacks," Guardian, November 18, 2005
Rupert Cornwell, "Sears Tower Plot Was Not All
That It Seemed," The Wisdom Fund, February 15, 2001
Michael Powell and William K. Rashbaum, "Papers
Portray Plot as More Talk Than Action," New York Times, June 4, 2007
Enver Masud, "9/11 Unveiled,"
The Wisdom Fund (September 11, 2008)
Robert Dreyfuss, "Yet Another Bogus 'Terror'
Plot," Nation, May 22, 2009
[Then-Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft violated the rights of U.S. citizens in the
fevered wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by ordering arrests on
material witness warrants when the government lacked probable cause, a
federal appeals court said in a scathing opinion Friday.--Carol J. Williams,
"Ashcroft can be sued over arrests,
appeals court rules," Los Angles Times, September 5, 2009]
Shamshad Ahmad, "Rounded
Up: Artificial Terrorists and Muslim Entrapment After 9/11,"
The Troy Book Makers (2009)
[ . . . in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 the US government undertook the
"preventative detention" of about 5,000 men on the basis of their birthplace
and later sought a further 19,000 "voluntary interviews". Over the next
year, more than 170,000 men from 24 predominantly Muslim countries and North
Korea were fingerprinted and interviewed in a programme of "special
registration". None of these produced a single terrorism conviction.--Gary
Younge, "The war on terror has been about scaring people, not
protecting them," Guardian, January 3, 2010]
[The chart includes the defendant's name, district, charging date, charges
brought, classification category, conviction date and conviction
Security Division Statistics on Unsealed International Terrorism and
Terrorism-Related Convictions 9/11/01 - 3/18/10," U.S. Department of
Justice, March 26, 2010]
Enver Masud, "The War on Islam,"
The Wisdom Fund (April 17, 2010)
"Muslims and Non-Muslims: A
Blatant Double Standard," The Wisdom Fund, February 25, 2010
Congressional staffer Susan Lindauer performed as a U.S. Intelligence Asset.
. . . This is the story of what happened when Lindauer tried to disclose the
true facts of Iraqi Pre-War Intelligence and the 9/11 warning to Congress
and the American people. It details the nightmare of her arrest on the
Patriot Act and her imprisonment without a trial at the notorious Carswell
Prison inside a Texas military base.--Susan Lindauer, "Extreme
Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11
and Iraq," CreateSpace (October 15, 2010)
James Bovard, "Assassin Nation:
Obama's 'don't ask, don't tell' test for killing Americans,", December 2010
and Entrapped: Manufacturing The Homegrown Threat In The United States,"
Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (2011)
Robert Steinback, "Jihad Against Islam,"
Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, Summer 2011, Issue Number:
VIDEO: Susan N. Herman, "Taking
Liberties: The War on Terror and the Erosion of American
Democracy," Oxford University Press, USA (October 3, 2011)
Trevor Aaronson, "How the FBI's Network of Informants
Actually Created Most of the Terrorist Plots 'Foiled' in the US Since 9/11,"
Mother Jones, October 9, 2011
Jeanine Molloff, "Free Speech in the Age of Obama -- A Cruel and
Dangerous Hoax,", October 17, 2011
Stephen M. Walt, "The Myth of American
Exceptionalism," Foreign Policy, November 2011
[Under the NDAA, the suspicion of the president is sufficient to confine an
American citizen to military detention for life without accusation or
trial.--Bruce Fein, "An
execrable ancestor,", December 28, 2011]
[Assassination of U.S. citizens... Indefinite detention... Warrantless
searches... Secret evidence... War crimes... Secret court... Continual
monitoring of citizens... Extraordinary renditions--Jonathan Turley, "10 reasons the U.S.
is no longer the land of the free,", January 13,
[Americans in 2012, although only a few are aware, live in a concentration
camp that is far better controlled than the one portrayed by George Orwell
in 1984. Orwell, writing in the late 1940s could not imagine the technology
that makes control of populations so thorough as it is today.--Paul
Craig Roberts, "America's
Last Chance,", January 16, 2012]
Paul Craig Roberts, "Can Americans Escape the Deception?,", July 4, 2012
Chris Hedges, "Criminalizing
Dissent,", August 13, 2012
VIDEO: Sidney Powell, "Licensed
to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice," Brown Books Publishing Group (May 16, 2014)
Ryan Gallagher, "The Surveillance Engine: How The NSA Built Its Own Secret
Google,", August 25, 2014
VIDEO: Naomi Wolf, "Former Clinton/Gore political
consultant explains why she's skeptical of events such as the Boston bombing,"
YouTube, January 15, 2015
William M Arkin, "This Shadow Government Agency Is Scarier Than the NSA,", June 1, 2015
William M Arkin, "Homegrown Radicals More
Deadly Than Jihadis in U.S.,", June 24, 2015
Paul Craig Roberts, "FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused
Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,", August 17, 2015
Leonard Moore, "Police
brutality in the United States,", July 27, 2016
[FBI violations of civil liberties and constitutional rights continued to be exposed at
different points in the bureau's history - most notably in the aftermath of the civil
rights movement and in the post-9/11 years.--Alice Speri, "THE FBI
[one of the FBI's more than 15,000 informants--Trevor Aaronson, "FBI COUNTERTERRORISM INFORMANT SPENT A DECADE COMMITTING FRAUD,", December 29, 2020]
[The FBI hired a convicted sex offender as an informant, even as a rape kit with his DNA
sat untested on a shelf. They paid him $90,000 to set up his friend and his friend's
mentally ill buddy in a terrorism plot concocted from nothing more than an over-the-top
statement--Trevor Aaronson, THE "TERRORIST,'
THE RAPIST, AND ME,", November 26, 2022]