by Robert Fisk
American lawyers defending six Algerians before a habeas corpus hearing in
Washington this week learned some very odd things about US intelligence
after 9/11. From among the millions of "raw" reports from American spies and
their "assets" around the world came a CIA Middle East warning about a
possible kamikaze-style air attack on a US navy base at a south Pacific
island location. The only problem was that no such navy base existed on the
island and no US Seventh Fleet warship had ever been there. In all
seriousness, a US military investigation earlier reported that Osama bin
Laden had been spotted shopping at a post office on a US military base in
east Asia.
That this nonsense was disseminated around the world by those tasked to
defend the United States in the "war on terror" shows the fantasy
environment in which the Bush regime has existed these past eight years. If
you can believe that bin Laden drops by a shopping mall on an American
military base, then you can believe that everyone you arrest is a
"terrorist", that Arabs are "terrorists", that they can be executed, that
living "terrorists" must be tortured, that everything a tortured man says
can be believed, that it is legitimate to invade sovereign states, to grab
the telephone records of everyone in America. As Bob Herbert put it in The
New York Times a couple of years ago, the Bush administration wanted these
records "which contain crucial documentation of calls for a Chinese takeout
in Terre Haute, Indiana, and birthday greetings to Grandma in Talladega,
Alabama, to help in the search for Osama bin Laden". There was no stopping
Bush when it came to trampling on the US Constitution. All that was new was
that he was now applying the same disrespect for liberty in America that he
had shown in the rest of the world.
But how is Barack Obama going to repair the titanic damage which his
vicious, lying predecessor has perpetrated around the globe and within the
US itself? John F Kennedy once said that "the United States, as the world
knows, will never start a war". After Bush's fear-mongering and Rumsfeld's
"shock and awe" and Abu Ghraib and Bagram and Guantanamo and secret
renditions, how does Obama pedal his country all the way back to Camelot? .
. .
Enver Masud, "FBI: Bin Laden Not
Wanted for 9/11," The Wisdom Fund, June 8, 2006
Mohsin Ali, "Obama's Foreign Policy and
Economic Challenges," The Wisdom Fund, November 4, 2008