by John Pilger
What struck me, living and working in the United States, was that
presidential campaigns were a parody, entertaining and often grotesque. They
are a ritual danse macabre of flags, balloons and bullsh*t, designed to
camouflage a venal system based on money power, human division and a culture
of permanent war.
Traveling with Robert Kennedy in 1968 was eye-opening for me. To audiences
of the poor, Kennedy would present himself as a savior. The words "change"
and "hope" were used relentlessly and cynically. For audiences of fearful
whites, he would use racist codes, such as "law and order." With those
opposed to the invasion of Vietnam, he would attack "putting American boys
in the line of fire," but never say when he would withdraw them. That year
(after Kennedy was assassinated), Richard Nixon used a version of the same,
malleable speech to win the presidency. Thereafter, it was used successfully
by Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and the two Bushes. Carter
promised a foreign policy based on "human rights" - and practiced the very
opposite. Reagan's "freedom agenda" was a bloodbath in Central America.
Clinton "solemnly pledged" universal health care and tore down the last
safety net of the Depression.
Nothing has changed. Barack Obama . . . would bomb Pakistan. Hillary
Clinton, another bomber, is anti-feminist. John McCain's one distinction is
that he has personally bombed a country. They all believe the US is not
subject to the rules of human behavior, because it is "a city upon a hill,"
regardless that most of humanity sees it as a monumental bully which, since
1945, has overthrown 50 governments, many of them democracies, and bombed 30
nations, destroying millions of lives.
If you wonder why this holocaust
is not an "issue" in the current campaign, you might ask the BBC, which is
responsible for reporting the campaign to much of the world, or better still
Justin Webb, the BBC's North America editor. In a Radio 4 series last year,
Webb displayed the kind of sycophancy that evokes the 1930s appeaser
Geoffrey Dawson, then editor of the London Times. Condoleezza Rice cannot be
too mendacious for Webb. According to Rice, the US is "supporting the
democratic aspirations of all people." For Webb, who believes American
patriotism "creates a feeling of happiness and solidity," the crimes
committed in the name of this patriotism, such as support for war and
injustice in the Middle East for the past 25 years, and in Latin America,
are irrelevant. Indeed, those who resist such an epic assault on democracy
are guilty of "anti-Americanism," says Webb, apparently unaware of the
totalitarian origins of this term of abuse. Journalists in Nazi Berlin would
damn critics of the Reich as "anti-German."
Moreover, his treacle about the "ideals" and "core values" that make up
America's sanctified "set of ideas about human conduct" denies us a true
sense of the destruction of American democracy: the dismantling of the Bill
of Rights, habeas corpus and separation of powers. . . .
John Pilger is a
world-renowned journalist, author and documentary filmmaker.
Enver Masud, "U.S. Elections All
About Money", The Wisdom Fund, September 4, 2000
[Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned
"Titanic". I'll give you a sound bite: "Throw all the bums out!"--Lee
Iacocca, "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?", Scribner, April 17, 2007]
Katrina Vanden Heuvel, "The Enormous
Cost of War," Nation, August 17, 2007
[It is precisely because the security threats of the 21st century are so
different from those of the last century that the next president must be
free of tendentious simplifications such as Islamofascism. . . . And there
is a subtext to those terms, an implication that the West faces an
inevitable worldwide clash of religions and civilizations.--Editorial: "Danger lurks in use of term
'Islamofascism'," Boston Globe, November 8, 2007]
[Some portion of the damage done by the Bush administration could be
rectified quickly. A large portion will take decades to fix - and that's
assuming the political will to do so exists both in the White House and in
Congress.--Joseph E. Stiglitz, "The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush," Vanity Fair, December,
[The code word "Islamofascism" has
become a staple of rhetoric. It braces the talk not only of pundits, but of
all the major Republican candidates - from the tough guy at one end, Rudy
Giuliani, who lambastes Democrats for not using the word or its equivalent,
to the "nice" candidate at the other end, Mike Huckabee, who defines
Islamofascism as "the greatest threat this country [has] ever faced."--James
Carroll, "Islamofascism's ill political
wind," Boston Globe, January 21, 2008]
[Right up to his twenties, he remained a strikingly violent man, "ready to
fight at the drop of a hat", according to his biographer Robert
Timberg.--Johann Hari, "Don't be
fooled by the myth of John McCain," Independent, January 24, 2008]
[Federal agencies, including the State Department, the Department of
Homeland Security and the National Counter Terrorism Center, are telling
their people not to describe Islamic extremists as "jihadists" or
"mujahedeen," according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. Lingo
like "Islamo-fascism" is out, too.--Matthew Lee, "'Jihadist' booted from
government lexicon," Associatied Press, April 24, 2008]
Citizens United v.
Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), is a landmark decision of the
Supreme Court of the United States regarding campaign finance laws and free speech under
the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The court held 5-4 that the freedom of
speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting
independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, nonprofit
organizations, labor unions, and other associations.--Decided January 21, 2010