January 13, 2006
Re: Calls Rise To Refer Iran to U.N. Body
Europeans' Demands Echoed by Rice After Nuclear Resumption
By John Ward Anderson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, January 13, 2006; A10
Mr. Anderson writes in the opening paragraph: "The foreign
ministers of Britain, Germany and France called Thursday for Iran
to be referred to the U.N. Security Council for violating its
nuclear treaty obligations, saying that their 2 1/2 years of
negotiations reached a dead end this week when the Iranians
resumed enriching uranium."
It is my understanding that Iran has not violated its treaty
obligations, but may be terminating its voluntary, but not legally
required, cooperation with the IAEA.
According to Dr. Gordon Prather, a nuclear physicist who was the
top scientist for the army in the Reagan years, in December, 2003,
Iran had signed an Additional Protocol to its Safeguards Agreement
and had volunteered to cooperate with the IAEA - pending
ratification by the Iranian Parliament - as if the Additional
Protocol were actually "in force."
It is my understanding that the Iranian Parliament has not
ratified the Additional Protocol. Thus Iran is not bound by the
terms of the Additional Protocol. Iran is in compliance with the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In fact U.S. obligations
under the NPT require the declared nuclear powers to assist Iran
in the development of its nuclear electricity program.
What "nuclear treaty obligations" is Iran violating? Is the
Washington Post about to get this story wrong as it did the issue
of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction on the eve of the U.S.
invasion of Iraq?
Enver Masud
The Wisdom Fund (www.twf.org)
1707 S. Hayes Street
Arlington, VA 22202
January 15, 2006
Why isn't the Post making clear to its readers that "Iran has
international law on its side?"
"In pursuing a civilian nuclear program, Iran has international
law on its side. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty gives
signatories "the inalienable right" to peaceful nuclear
technologies contingent on not making nuclear explosives.
Although Iran has been less than forthcoming about many of its
nuclear activities, inspections by the International Atomic Energy
Agency have not revealed evidence of a nuclear weapons
program."--Jack Boureston and Charles D. Ferguson, "Keep your
enemy closer: The best way to know the full extent of Iran's
nuclear doings is to offer it help," Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, November/December 2005
More at http://www.twf.org/News/Y2005/0723-NukeIran.html
Enver Masud
The Wisdom Fund
January 21, 2006
Dear Ms. Howell:
We did not receive a response to our request that the Washington
Post identify the "nuclear treaty obligations" which Iran is
alleged to be violating ("Calls Rise To Refer Iran to U.N. Body,"
January 13).
If you are unable to identify these "nuclear treaty obligations",
you owe your readers a correction for the record.
Enver Masud
The Wisdom Fund