Enver Masud, "America's Disgraceful
Silence Over Chechnya," The Wisdom Fund, September 28, 1999
Enver Masud, "Russia to Chechens:
'Get Out or Die'," The Wisdom Fund, December 7, 1999
Eric Margolis, "Coup Detat in Moscow
Anointed with Chechen Blood," The Wisdom Fund, January 9, 2000
Eric Margolis, "Forgotten Chechens
Face Extermination," The Wisdom Fund, January 23, 2000
Eric Margolis, "'The Hiroshima of the
Caucasus'," The Wisdom Fund, February 21, 2002
Kim Murphy, "Few Unknowns, Scant Hope
in Chechen Vote," Los Angeles Times, October 2, 2003
Nick Paton Walsh, "Chechens
vote in 'farcical' election," The Guardian, August 30, 2004
Editorial: "Acts
of Terror," The Washington Post, September 3, 2004
Stephen Mulvey, "Analysis: The
hostage-takers," BBC News, September 6, 2004
[If the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children were worth sacrificing to fulfil
American interests according to the former US Secretary of State, Madeline
Albright, the same argument can also be applied to the recent incident in
Russia from the Chechens point of view, where few hundred children
Zakaria, "Deciphering Terrorism," September 6, 2004]
[The president of North Ossetia, Alexander Dzasokhov, made it clear that the
terrorists' only demand was an end to the war in Chechnya and the withdrawal
of all the Russian forces from our country. . . .
Ten years ago Chechnya had a population of 2 million. Today it is 800,000, .
. . At least 200,000 Chechen civilians have been killed by Russian soldiers,
including 35,000 children. Another 40,000 children have been seriously
injured, 32,000 have lost at least one parent and 6,500 have been
orphaned.--Ahmed Zakaev, "Our dead
and injured children," Guardian, September 7, 2004]
Jonathan Steele, "Minister
unwilling to blame Chechens," Guardian, September 8, 2004
Khassan Baiev, "The scenes at
Beslan weren't so unfamiliar," International Herald Tribune, September
13, 2004
[The truth about Chechnya is similarly suppressed. On 4 February 2000,
Russian aircraft attacked the Chechen village of Katyr-Yurt. They used
"vacuum bombs", which release petrol vapour and suck people's lungs out, and
are banned under the Geneva Convention. The Russians bombed a convoy of
survivors under a white flag. They murdered 363 men, women and children. It
was one of countless, little-known acts of terrorism in Chechnya perpetrated
by the Russian state, whose leader, Vladimir Putin, has the "complete
solidarity" of Blair.--John Pilger, "John Pilger hears Blair
echo Mussolini," New Statesman, September 20, 2004]
Oliver Bullough, "British TV, Kremlin clash over
airing rebel interview," Reuters, February 4, 2005
Nick Paton Walsh, "Mystery
still shrouds Beslan six months on," Guardian, February 16, 2005
Tina Ismailova, "The President
is killed, who most of all wanted peace for his people," Chechenpress, March 11, 2005
[In the interview, the warlord, who had claimed the 2004 raid on a school in
Beslan, admitted he was a terrorist but said the Russians were terrorists
broadcast enrages Russia," BBC News, July 29, 2005]
[They suspect that two powerful explosions inside the school and a
subsequent fire which killed many hostages could have been set off by the
Russians, not the terrorists, as investigators claim.--Mark Franchetti, "Beslan
mothers tell Putin: stay away," The Sunday Times, August 28, 2005]
Steven Lee Myers, "Growth of Islam in Russia Brings Soviet Response," New York Times,
November 22, 2005
Nick Paton Walsh, "Separatists
denounce 'farcical' Chechen poll," Guardian, November 28, 2005
"State forces
blamed over Beslan," BBC News, November 29, 2005
"UN troubled by
Chechens' plight," BBC News, February 21, 2006
[Russia's security service announced the death of Shamil Basayev yesterday,
the country's "terrorist No 1" and the man who was the self-confessed
mastermind of the Beslan massacre.--Nick Paton Walsh, "Beslan
massacre mastermind dies in blast as Russia says he was plotting new attack
," Guardian, July 11, 2006]
Tony Wood, "Chechnya:
The Case for Independence," Verso (March 19, 2007)
Hajira Qureshi, "An
unanswerable exposition of the case for Chechnya's right to
independence," Muslimedia International, July 2007
[The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Russia failed to protect the hostages
of the Beslan school siege in which about 330 people died in 2004.--"Beslan school siege: Russia
'failed' in 2004 massacre," bbc.com, April 13, 2017]