Enver Masud, "Double
Standard Targets Muslim Countries ," The Wisdom Fund, September 25, 1998
Enver Masud, "Pan Am 103:
Lockerbie Verdict 'Astonishing'," The Wisdom Fund, February 6, 2001
Inigo Gilmore, "Israel Reveals Secrets of
How It Gained Bomb," The Telegraph, December 23, 2001
Enver Masud, "U.S. Nuclear Threats Encourage
Proliferation," The Wisdom Fund, January 28, 2003
Andrew Buncombe and Paul Kelbie, "Libya Gives £1.7bn to the Victims of
Lockerbie, But the Questions Remain," The Independent, August
15, 2003
[Part of the deal paving the way to Libya's rehabilitation was that
it supplied intelligence on hundreds of al-Qa'ida and Islamic
terrorists, it was reported last night. . . .
But the former foreign secretary, Robin Cook - who also welcomed
Friday's announcement - denied that the diplomatic success in Libya
was an answer to criticisms of the war in Iraq. "I find it rich and
comical that we should use an agreement with a country we did not
invade - which did have weapons of mass destruction - as
justification for invading a country that doesn't have weapons of
mass destruction," he said. "Libya is a good example of where
sanctions have worked." . . .
Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League, responded by saying the West
should now exert similar diplomatic pressure on Israel.--Andrew
Buncombe and Francis Elliott, "Libyans to reveal just how close they were to making a
nuclear bomb," December 21, 2003]
Richard Beeston, "Now
make Israel give up weapons, say Arab nations," The Times (UK), December 22, 2003
Peter Preston, "If
Libya can do it, why not Israel?," The Guardian (UK), December 22, 2003
[According to Joseph Cirincone, an arms specialist at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace , "It's part of a trend that has
been underway for ten years--of reforms and trying to reintegrate
with Europe, mainly for business reasons."--Katrina vanden Heuvel,
Neoconning us Again?," The Nation, December 22, 2003]
[The problem I have with the whole Gaddafi saga is that the Libya I know can
scarcely repair a drain or install a working lavatory in a hotel.--Robert
Fisk, "Straw reinvents despotic little killer
Gaddafi as courageous statesman," The Independent, December 22, 2003]
Peter Preston, "If
Libya can do it, why not Israel?," The Guardian (UK), December 22, 2003
John Eldridge, "Reassessing Libya: an analysis from Jane's NBC
Defence," Jane's, December 23, 2003
[International Atomic Energy Agency director-general Mohamed El Baradei said
it appeared Libya was not even close to making a nuclear
weapon.--Christopher Claire, "Libya
'no bomb threat'," Scotsman, December 28, 2003]
[Libya's nuclear program was years away from producing a nuclear weapon and
that important pieces of equipment were now largely dismantled and stored in
boxes.--Patrick E. Tyler, "Libya's Atom Bid in Early Phases," New York Times, December 30, 2003]
[Libya was abandoning a distant - but still dangerous - dream, not a real
ability.--Micahel R. Gordon, "Giving Up Those Weapons: After Libya, Who Is Next?," New York Times,
January 1, 2004]
Matthew Parris, "Detente is back in fashion, thank
heaven, and the horrors of Bam could change history," The Spectator
(UK), January 3, 2004
Eric Margolis, "THE GREAT LIBYAN
NUCLEAR CHARADE," January 12, 2004
[The group joined Representative Tom Lantos who became the first elected US
official to set foot in Libya for 38 years when he arrived on Saturday.
. . . with Libya's oil reserves among the highest in the world.
There is now growing pressure from US oil companies and other corporations
eager to do business in Libya for the Bush administration to drop sanctions
at the earliest opportunity.--"US politicians in
Gaddafi's Libya," BBC News, January 25, 2004]
[Diplomatic sources said that the turning point could be traced to September
2002, when Mr Blair wrote to the Libyan leader asking him to drop support
for the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe and to dispose of his weapons of mass
destruction.--Richard Beeson, "Libya visit
returns Gaddafi into US fold," January 26, 2004]
Joby Warrick and Peter Slevin, "Libyan
Arms Designs Traced Back to China: Pakistanis Resold Chinese-Provided Plans,"
Washington Post, February 15, 2004
Martin S. Indyk, "The Iraq War
did not Force Gadaffi's Hand," The Financial Times, March 9, 2004
[None of the history of mutual hostility over the past two decades prevented
a deal along these simple lines: we accept your acknowledgement of guilt
over flight 103, you open up your WMD programmes to inspection, and then
both of us can start benefiting from trading your oil again. The weakness of
this deal as presented, however, is that it appears that Libya didn't have
any WMD--Michael Meacher, "The
path to friendship goes via the oil and gas fields," The Guardian, March
27, 2004]
Jon Swain, "Revealed:
Gadaffi's air massacre plot," The Sunday Times, March 28, 2004
Carola Hoyos, "Libya
and Iraq closer to opening oil industry," Financial Times, August 16, 2004
[. . . has Africa's largest oil reserves--"US oil companies
return to Libya," BBC, January 30, 2005]
John Pilger, "Megrahi Was Framed," New Statesman, September
3, 2009 -- MORE
[The lesson is elementary. Eight years ago, Libya agreed to dismantle its
infant nuclear program. More than five months ago, NATO began enforcing a
no-fly zone in support of Libyan rebels. Would NATO have launched a bombing
campaign against Libya if the unpredictable Mr. Qaddafi had possessed
nuclear weapons?--Reza Sanati, "A troubling lesson from Libya: Don't
give up nukes," csmonitor.com, August 30, 2011]