The Muslim Observer Volume 5, Issue 30,
July 26-August 1, 2003, Page 19
The War On Islam
Author: Enver Masud
Publisher: The Wisdom Fund
Exposing Media Myths, August 1, 2003
By Mohammed Khan (Canada)
In an age when mainstream media has been
reduced to a governmental propaganda agency,
it has become increasingly hard for the common
man to differentiate between fact and spin.
Especially after the horrific events of
September 11, 2001, the US media, drenched in
patriotic fervor, has been dishing out the
Bush administration's agenda as though it is
gospel truth. There has been, however, a few
daring individuals who have stood up to the
tyranny of falsehood and challenged it head on
time and again. One such brave personality is
Enver Masud.
Enver Masud, an engineering management
consultant who has worked for the World Bank,
USAID and the US Department of Energy, in The
War on Islam, has exposed the many sins of
omission and commission perpetrated by the
major media in the United States. The book is
a collection of essays which Masud began
writing in 1991 during the first Gulf War. In
his March 1, 1991 essay titled The Holocaust,
he brought to light the glaring contradictions
in US foreign policy of the US government when
it comes to dealing with Israel on hand and
Iraq on the other. "Never mind that the United
Nations resolution called only for removing
Iraq from Kuwait. While babies in Iraq went
without mil, the armchair Rambos, ensconced
before their television screens, smelled
blood. They howled for going all the way to
Baghdad. They were comforted by an American
president who assured them that the United
States had no gripe with the Iraqi people.
They were only after the new Hitler. Tell that
to those Iraqi people who will live with the
wounds of war for generations to come."
Whether it be the issue of Kosovo, the
subservience of the UN to the US, the false
blame heaped on Muslim for the Oklahoma city
bombing, the terrorist attacks of 9-11, or the
current military adventures of the American
government Masud brings the precision of an
engineer to his articles with his incisive
analysis backed up by statistics, facts and
This updated third edition of The War on Islam
contains articles written by Masud until April
5,2003 which cover the impact of the Iraqi
invasion. In article after article Masud shows
that there is no clash between Islam and
others faiths but a clash between justice and
It has often been said that Indian Muslim
luminary Sir Syed Ahmed Khan had
extra-ordinary foresight regarding Muslim
issues. The same can be said of his descendant
Enver Masud. He brings balanced analysis of
world affairs amidst the chaos of doctored
evidence and complacent media. War on Islam
will go a long way in developing
inter-civilizational understanding and clears
away many of the misconceptions regarding
Islam that are found in the American public.