"No evidence UNSCOM found
any WMD since 1991," The Wisdom Fund, November 16, 1998
[. . . it has become incontrovertibly clear that a key piece of evidence
you and other Administration officials have cited regarding Iraq's
efforts to obtain nuclear weapons is a hoax. --Rep Henry A. Waxman,
Letter to President Bush, March 17,
[We cannot convince the world of the
necessity of this war for one simple reason. This is a war of
choice.--Sen Robert C. Byrd, The
Arrogance of Power, March 19, 2003]
Andrew Gumbel, "Growing Evidence of Deception
by Washington," Independent (UK), April 20, 2003
John Dean, "Could Make Watergate Pale
by Comparison," FindLaw's Legal Commentary, June 6, 2003
Sen Robert C. Byrd, "The Road to Coverup
Is the Road to Ruin," U.S. Senate, June 24, 2003
[Senior UK Whitehall sources no longer believe weapons of mass
destruction will be found in Iraq, the BBC has learned. . . .
Former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said the admissions were a
"dramatic development" and ex-Prime Minister John Major has called
for a full independent inquiry into the basis for war.--"Iraq
weapons 'unlikely to be found'," BBC, Jul 10, 2003]
Knew Iraq Info Was False," CBS News, July 10, 2003
[THE career of America's chief intelligence officer appeared
destroyed last night after he was
forced by the White House to take the blame for a false claim about
Iraqs weapons programme in President Bush's State of the Union
address in January.
. . . After being effectively thrown to the wolves by Mr Bush and Dr Rice,
Mr Tenet issued a statement in which he said that the CIA approved
the bogus claim in the address.
. . . CIA officials insisted that the agency explicitly told the White
House that the claim was false before the speech.--Tim Reid, "CIA
chief takes blame for Iraq arms blunder," Times Online, July 12,
Walter Pincus and Mike Allen, "CIA Got Uranium Reference Cut in Oct.,"
Washington Post, July 13, 2003
Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker, "20 Lies About the War," Independent, July 13, 2003
[Of the nine main conclusions in the British government document
"Iraq's weapons of mass destruction", not one has been shown to be
conclusively true.--Paul Reynolds, "Core of
weapons case crumbling," BBC News, July 13, 2003]
Andrew Buncombe and Marie Woolf, "Cheney under pressure to quit over false war evidence,"
Independent, July 16, 2003
Sen. Bob Graham, "The Dishonesty of the President," Newsday, July
17, 2003
[A conference of top-level military analysts was told Iraq had no
weapons of mass destruction months before the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks--Roger Ward, "
Experts believed no Iraqi WMDs in 2001," Canadian Press, July
18, 2003]
[National Intelligence Estimate . . . included a pointed dissent by
the State Department, which said the evidence did not "add up to a
compelling case" that Iraq was making a comprehensive effort to get
nuclear weapons.--Dana Milbank and Dana Priest, "Warning in Iraq Report Unread," Washington Post, July 19,
[The White House, in the run-up to war in Iraq, did not seek CIA
approval before charging that Saddam Hussein could launch a
biological or chemical attack within 45 minutes, administration
officials now say.
The claim, which has since been discredited, was made twice by
President Bush, in a September Rose Garden appearance after meeting
with lawmakers and in a Saturday radio address the same week. Bush
attributed the claim to the British government, but in a "Global
Message" issued Sept. 26 and still on the White House Web site, the
White House claimed, without attribution, that Iraq "could launch a
biological or chemical attack 45 minutes after the order is
given."-- Dana Milbank, "White House Didn't Gain CIA Nod for Claim On Iraqi
Strikes," Washington Post, July 20, 2003]
Michael R. Gordon, "U.S. Air Raids in '02 Prepared for War in Iraq,"
New York Times, July 20, 2003
[Last fall, the administration repeatedly warned in public of the
danger that an unprovoked Iraqi President Saddam Hussein might give
chemical or biological weapons to terrorists. . . .
But declassified portions of a still-secret National Intelligence
Estimate (NIE) released Friday by the White House show that at the
time of the president's speech the U.S. intelligence community
judged that possibility to be unlikely.--Walter Pincus, "Oct. Report Said Defeated Hussein Would Be
Threat," Washington Post, July 21, 2003]
Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus, "Bush Aides Disclose Warnings From CIA: Oct. Memos Raised
Doubts on Iraq Bid," Washington Post, July 23, 2003
Sheldon Richman, "Even with Weapons,
Hussein Was No Threat," Future of Freedom Foundation, July 23, 2003
Steve Perry, "The Bush
administration's top 40 lies about war and terrorism," City
Pages, July 30, 2003
Peter S. Canellos and Bryan Bender, "Questions grow
over Iraq links to Qaeda," Boston Globe, August 3, 2003
Barton Gellman, "Depiction of Threat Outgrew Supporting Evidence,"
Washington Post, August 10, 2003
Paul Sperry, "$20,000
bonus to official who agreed on nuke claim," WorldNetDaily.com,
August 3, 2003
Richard Norton-Taylor and Nicholas Watt, "No 10 knew: Iraq no threat," Guardian, August 19, 2003
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, "Insults to
Intelligence: It's Not too Late to Speak Out," CounterPunch,
August 23, 2003
[. . . weapons hunters have yet to find proof that any chemical or
bio-warfare agents were produced after 1991.
. . . the evidence reviewed so far - including more than 30 million
pages of documents - still doesn't support charges that Hussein
secretly built chemical and biological weapons after U.N. inspectors
were forced out of Iraq in 1998, as the Bush administration
repeatedly warned.--Scott Ritter, "U.S. Suspects It Received
False Iraq Arms Tips,,"Los Angeles Times, August 28, 2003]
Andy McSmith, Raymond Whitaker and Geoffrey Lean, "Britain and US will back down over WMDs," Independent,
September 7, 2003
Charles J. Hanley (Pulitzer Prize winner), "AP Staffer Fact-Checks
Powell's UN Speech: Key Claims Didn't Hold Up," Editor &
Publisher Online, September 9, 2003
[Efforts by the Iraq Survey Group, an Anglo-American team of 1,400
scientists, military and intelligence experts, to scour Iraq for the
past four months to uncover evidence of chemical or biological
weapons have so far ended in failure.
British defence intelligence sources confirmed last week that the
final report, which is to be submitted by David Kay, the survey
group's leader, to George Tenet, head of the CIA, had been delayed
and may not necessarily even be published.--David Leppard, "Iraq weapons report shelved," Times (UK), September 14,
John Pilger, "The Big Lie," Mirror (UK), September 22, 2003
David E. Sanger, "A
Reckoning: Iraqi Arms Report Poses Political Test for Bush," New
York Times, October 3, 2003
[According to records made available to The Washington Post and
interviews with arms investigators from the United States, Britain
and Australia, it did not require a comprehensive survey to find the
central assertions of the Bush administration's prewar nuclear case
to be insubstantial or untrue.--Barton Gellman, "Search in Iraq Fails to Find Nuclear Threat: No Evidence
Uncovered Of Reconstituted Program," Washington Post, October
26, 2003]
Ken Fireman, "CIA
report contradicts administration assessment," Newsday, October
26, 2003
David Corn, The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics
of Deception, Crown Publishing Group, September 30, 2003
Andrew Gumbel, "Case for war confected, say top US officials,"
Independent, November 9, 2003
[Nelson, D-Tallahassee, said about 75 senators got that news during
a classified briefing before last October's congressional vote
authorizing the use of force to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
--John McCarthy, "Senators Were Told Iraqi Weapons Could Hit U.S.," Florida
Today, December 15, 2003]
[The United Nations Monitoring and Verification Inspection Commission
(UNMOVIC), successor to its more accomplished parent, the United Nations
Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM), was found to be redundant by an act of
the United Nations Security Council, which created its disarmament mandate
over 16 years ago when it passed Security Council Resolution 1687 in April
1991.Ê The United States and Great Britain had been trying to close down the
weapons inspection operation since the invasion of Iraq, citing the demise
of Saddam Hussein and the occupation of Iraq by coalition forces as evidence
that the U.N.-mandated inspection process was now moot.
. . . What really galled the U.S. and British officials were the
inconvenient truths about Iraq's disarmed status, something a continued
viable inspection operation would officially register in politically
damaging fashion.--Scott Ritter, "A Farewell to Arms Control,"
truthdig.com, JulyÊ5,Ê2007]
Former US attorney
general Ramsey Clark's Articles of impeachment of Bush and Cheney
VIDEO: "Uncovered:
The Whole truth About the Iraq War"