Muslims, October 4, 2002
p. 10 (Editorial page)
Jamaica, NY 718-297-6513
The War On Islam
Author: Enver Masud
Publisher: The Wisdom Fund
By Ayesha Holden
This week I wish to review a book titled The
War On lslam by Enver Masud. I consider this
to be an important book of historical
significance, containing both a critique and
answers to the blank pages of the cover-ups of
the mainstream press. Readers of most
newspapers and viewers of American TV are not
given the whole story of so many events around
the world, that the very phrase "mainstream
press" usually means that the news has been
processed to suit the interest; of the
powerful, who control "the media."
I was impressed that Enver Masud is an author
well qualified to fill in some of the blanks
in the report, on the events that have
occurred in the last eleven plus years of the
"War on Islam" that the book is about. The son
of a former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia who had
worked for India's independence, Masud was an
immigrant who is an engineering graduate of
the University of Oklahoma. His background
includes travel and work as an energy and
management consultant in many countries with
Muslim majorities. After the Gulf War he was
left with numerous unanswered questions about
the "half truths and perhaps outright lies"
that were presented by the media to support
official U.S. positions.
The preface of The War On Islam describes some
of the questions that concerned the author and
urged him on: "Were Iraq and 'Islamic
Terrorism' the threat they were nude out to
be? Why were the 'rogue states!' so described?
What was this New World Order?" Then Masud
began to present an alternative view, writing
and publishing more objective and balanced
perspectives about the war on Islam that are
usually missing from major U.S. media and that
would alert both Muslims and non-Muslims to
the tactics that are used to divide them. As
time went on, the author developed the means
to reach broader audiences for his views on
the subject of the War on Islam' when he
founded The Wisdom Fund and its web site at
www.twf org.
The book The War On Islam is a collection of
105 articles written by Enver Masud during the
eventful years that began with the Gulf War.
Article 105 is entitled "Attack on America,"
which refers to the plane crashes into the
World Trade Center in New York. In this
chapter, Masud brings out the report by the
Army School of Advanced Military Studies which
said that the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence
service, "Has capability to target U.S. forces
and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
Masud comments that this, coupled with the
arrest of dozens of suspected Israeli spies,
as well as reports that several of the alleged
Arab hijackers of the planes that struck the
WTC were still alive.
This of course, helped cause confusion and
fueled alternative theories. The author notes
that the rogue state "par excellence" is
actually the United States. He documents the
events and actions carried out by the U.S.:
its refusal to abide by international laws and
treaties, and its "violation of the norms of
civil society" while hypocritically making
these same allegations against states such as
Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Libya, Syria, and North
Korea. In their daily lives, Americans are
relentlessly subjected to anti-Muslim
indoctrination, it seems to the author of The
War On Islam. It is stereotyped in America's
movies and in sound bites on the TV.
Newspapers headline anti-Muslim sIants on news
and politicians self-righteously demonize
A book like this is desperately needed in the
warmongering climate of today. The facts of
many troubling conflicts around the world are
laid out clearly, and substantiated with
dates, names, and circumstances. If you have
read only the "prescribed" news of the
controlled media (Government spokesmen told us
they intended to do this!) then no doubt you
will appreciate a balanced and thoughtful new
view about the conflicts and unhappy events
troubling our world. Readers will benefit from
this new look at old news, and this time, they
will be armed with the truth.
Don't neglect to carefully read the
appendices; they contain extra ammunition for
your true-facts quiver.