WASHINGTON, DC -- There is little or no outrage in Western capitals, academia, or media about the latest act of terrorism in the Middle East.
The incontrovertible facts regarding Israel's September 25 attempt to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Meshal are: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself directed the effort; a chemical or biological agent was used in the attempt to poison Meshal; the Israeli agents were using forged Canadian passports in Amman, Jordan where the assassination attempt took place; the Israeli agents were caught by Meshal's bodyguards in the scuffle and chase that followed the assassination attempt.
There is nothing new about Israeli acts of terrorism. On the same day that the attempted assassination took place the Associated Press reported that a " retired army major, trying to explain why he killed a British tourist, told a court he was traumatized by service in a secret [Israeli] army unit that hunted and executed suspected Palestinian militants."
And there is nothing new about the absence of outrage in Western capitals, academia, or media regarding Israel's acts of aggression and terrorism, while their leaders wax eloquently about the West's war on terrorism.
Canada is to be commended for recalling its ambassador to Israel for consultation.
Also to be commended are fair-minded Jews and Christians who have spoken out against Israeli and U.S. policies in the Middle East such as Rabi Lerner -- editor of Tikkun, the editors and authors of Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and Rabi Schwartz whose organization, in a September 30 advertisement in the New York Times, condemned Zionism as a "conspiracy against Jewish tradition, and . . . the archenemy of the Jewish people."
[Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror
that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other
friendly countries--Richard Sale, "Israel to
kill in U.S., allied nations," United Press International, January 15,
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