An ABC 20/20 program which aired Friday, August 18, 10:00 PM EST, depicts the plight of a Muslim family, Sadri and Sebhat Krasniqi, that had two children snatched from their custody because, according to a Texas judge, they would be better off in a Christian home.
The assumption that the children would be better off in a Christian home was clearly articulated by the presiding judge who told 20/20 that a Christian home would provide greater stability. The children's father was subsequently acquitted of the charges, which led to the custody battle, of sexually abusing his four year old daughter . According to the Washington, D.C. based Council on AmericanÐIslamic Relations (CAIR), the Texas Department of Child Protective Services violated its own guidelines requiring it "to seek placement of the children with the closest religious and ethnic match."
The Muslim children now living in a Christian home have been forced to convert to Christianity says CAIR, and to eat pork, which under Muslim dietary laws, similar to Jewish dietary laws, is strictly forbidden. The Krasniqi's, because of mounting legal bills, have had to sell the four restaurants the immigrant family had acquired in their pursuit of the American dream. CAIR has mounted a drive for donations to pay the Krasniqi's continuing legal costs.
"The judge's decision, if allowed to stand, is an ugly stain on our democratic ideals, and casts serious doubts on the constitutional rights of minorities and Muslims in America," says Enver Masud president of The Wisdom Fund.
Kevin Mayhood, "Suit says Children Services tried to steer kids
from Islam," Columbus Dispatch, June 2, 2006